Wednesday 11 March 2009

Political Correctness

Political correctness has devoloped into tyranny. Its advocates say it is designed to eliminate attempts to redress past injustices in matters like religion, class, race & sexual orientation. It is not surprising that it always seems to be white folk who are expected to alter their cultural expression, to avoid wounding the sensitivities of the poor-poor ethnics.
An asian busdriver in Glasgow roared at me, on and on, "you wha-ite baas-taard, you wha-ite baas-taard!" He was actully leaning out of his window to shout this insult at me and had white foam all over his black lips.
I wrote a letter of protest about the incident to the "Evening Times" of Glasgow. The editor published a heavily censored version of my letter. For example he cut out the "white bastard" bit. I thought, in my ignorance, he was trying to avoid stirring up race hatred; but when a young asian girl at school in Glasgow accused her teacher of insulting her as a "black bastard", the editor of the "Evening Times" put the insulting words right on the front page.
Research into this subject has demonstrated to me that said editor is a politically correct bigot, determined to force conformity on us Brits, regardless of the insults we may have recieved from aliens colonising our national territory.
Some of the wierd ideas of the P.C. brigade are astonishing thus a female candidate as a police officer passed all her written tests. In an oral interview she was asked what she would do if she needed advice. The young woman, who was 19 years old, said "I would go to my Sargeant & ask him for advice", she failed the interview for calling her Sargeant "him"!
According to the P.C. brigade she lacked "gender awareness". One wonders of some of the senior Officers examining this candidate were "feminists" and even males can be such. They absolutely grovel before aggressive bossy boots women so as not to offend ever-so-tender sensitivities.
In the case of the female candidate mentioned above, Laura Midgely said "In the Police Force in this country, there are 17,679 male Sargeants, and 2,671 female Sergeants but the P.C. brigade would say it shows discrimination against female officers, and there should be more female Sargeants".
Some Firemen in Glasgow were told to hand out safety advice leaflets at a homosexual demo. They refused, not washing to be seen as supporters of sodomy. All were harassed by Senior Officers, and suspended. They were sent on "diversity training", which is an attempt to brain wash people into accepting the practice of sodomy as normal for some people. Incidently I committed a breach of P.C. in saying "firemen". To conform to the norms of political correctness I should of cource have written "firefighters"You see they've got women in the Fire Service these days and don't say "women doing a man's job" its not P.C.
If you offend the P.C. brigade, look out, they'll roast you in the media which they control. In fact you could even be hassled by the cops. In Manchester a shopkeeper had his gollywog dolls cause offence to one P.C. bigot. The cops raided the shop to confiscate the offensive dollies, which little children loved. It was said they were "racially offensive".
As far as I have been able determine Political Correctness is jewish in its orgins. The idea was to clear the way for the ideas of communism. Make folk feel oh-so-terribly guilty about nationalist exclusivism. Propagate the idea that nationalism is divisive and therfore is shameful; but its only White Nationalism is castigated. All other kinds of nationalism are seen as "progressive" because they break up Western imperialism, thus weakening it.
Needless to say, one nationalism you cannot criticise is the jewish variety, which they call zionism. That is a specially favoured nationalism. It is compensation to the jews for what they have suffered at the hands of us awfull non-jews; but most jews would rather live in the West than make their own personal Aliyah to Israel, do you honestly think Gerry Gable of "Searchlight" would leave his £500,000 plushy home in the Essex stock-brokers belt, to go & live in a kibbutz in Israel? And we have his two cars? You have to be joking. He's got a nice little earner in "Searchlight" pouring insults on British Nationalists.
P.C. was devoloped in the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany in the 1920's, the idea was to make us white folk feel oh-so-guilty about being British/French/German, etc. Thus the jews who ran the Frankfurt school devoloped P.C. as a system of of censorship & oppression. Since then P.C. has spread via newspapers like "The Guardian", "The Independant", The Scotsman". etc.
I ask, why should we throw away our great culture to please the minority of the P.C. brigade who seek to make us all communists? If they don't like our culture, let them go to some other land.
H.Mullin, Mar. 09

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