Monday 9 March 2009

Zionism, the jewish conscience?

You report Don Black saying Rabbi Schiller once told him at an American renaissance conference "Most jews hate western civilisation". I ask in all seriousness, how can this opinion be accurate? Surely jews vote with their feet in favour of living under the great Western culture. Does not their very presence here in such numbers demonstrate clearly that they think our culture is superior to that of their own, as seen in Israel. Why else would they want to stay in the West?
Any jew who really hates our western culture has the solution in their own hands. all they need to do is move to Israel and live under Israel's law of return - all jews are entitled to citizenship, and can get an Israeli passport - but most jews won't go to Israel. They know which side their bread is buttered on. Life in Israel would be very hard in comparsion with life in the West.
I think some jews must express hatred for our White western civilisation out of a sense of guilt. They have been programmed from their earliest days into the view that the highest manifestation of morality is for a jew to make his aliyah to Israel, to live there, and support the dream of having their own land. But life in the west is so attractive by comparsion with life in Israel, so they don't want to go, and this makes them feel "Oh-so-terribly guilty". So some jews try to compensate for their guilty feelings by been very active supporters of zionism.
H.Mullin - H&D 25, July '06.

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