Thursday 30 April 2009

Thoughts & Reflections

Homosexuals have been able to get their sexual orientation regulations passed by our Government. This we are told will grant them equality. Homosexuals will probably seek to establish case law in their favour. This could be done by two overt homosexuals making a booking in a hotel whilst kissing & caressing each other. If the manager of the hotel as offended by their behaviour & refused to permit them to stay in his property, they will run wailing to the cops to level a complaint, saying they have been denied equality under the law. They will probably have made arrangements with some cop who is homosexual himself. Thus the hotel owner will find himself in court being sued for damages.
Sodomites should realise that their attempts to impose their life-style on we non-homosexuals, could create a bitter & violent backlash against them. It could end up with bands of enraged vigilanties attacking the sodomites & their supporters! Who knows what can of worms the queers have opened?
Years ago I was down in London as a taxi driver. I went for a walk to Hyde Park corner to hear the speakers, some of whom are very interesting. There was one man standing on a platform with Israeli flags flying. He as obviously a pro-jewish zionist. It always puzzles me why zionists stay here in Britain yet still moot for Israel. If I were a zionist I would be off to my on land. Common honesty would demand it, but these zionists are not honest folk. They stay in our land, eat our British bread, yet express loyalty for a foreign land in the Middle East. To me this is traitorous behaviour.
In the communist manifesto, marx & Engels say the bourgeoisie have broken the bands wjich formally united folk in their nations. Before religious unity bred respect among the lower classes in society & a sense or responsibility among the upper classes. Now it has been replaced by the cash nexus.
Looking how it worked out among the working class in my younger day. Refusal to do any form of military service was regarded as a serious offence. Those deemed guilty were rubbished in the mass-media & given serious gaol sentences. I once saw a policeman in our street battering a man with a baton. My brother, in naval uniform, ran over & grabbed the baton to stop the cop battering the man. The cop replied "but he's a deserter!"
Here was a man, who lived in the slums of Glasgow. His home was ridden with vermin, bugs,lice, rats & mice, yet the bourgeoisie expected him to go out and "fight for his country". old bonds have been severed & national unity is a thing of the past.
Strange but true, British taxpayers, who face losing their weekly rubbish collection, are funding nightly dustbin collections on the remote Galapagos Islands.
The dustbin rounds on the South American Islands are being financed by the European Union, to whom the UK pays £10.5 billion annually. The EU says that tourish on the Galapagos has increased dramatically, and the majority of those are from Western Europe. It claims that the EU is helping the Galapagos set up an "intergrated waste management system".
The Galapagos Islands charge tourists a £50 fee before the leave the airport, as a payment for entering the national park. With so much money coming from visiting tourists, the Islands should be able to pay for their own rubbish collections!

Wednesday 29 April 2009

lies, scum and the media

It is manifest from the hate-speak spewed out by many national & local newspapers, as well as the so-called anti-racist magazines, that they are guilty of breaking Article 2 (b), (c) & (d) of the Genocide Laws. Many of these publications cause bodily or mental harm to BNP members& sympathisers, by stirring up hatred against them in their columns. The vile hate-speak they pour out programmes the politically ignorant and motivates them to attack both verbally and physically British Nationalists, who have been stabbed, slashed, bottled & battered. These morons have been programmed to hate us by the witch-hunting bigots in the press, abusing their power to influence the thinking of their readership. Anyone who says the press doesn't influence is readers, is saying that advertising in its pages is a useless excercise. No editor will admit that, so the press influences folk to hate us.
Certain newspapers in Scotland have even come out & stated they wish to see BNP members sacked from their employment & sent into poverty. These papers gloat when they succeed. They display BNPers in their papers and ask readers to send in their names, addresses and places of employment. They then send in their vile witch-hunting scribblers to these firms & the BNP member gets sacked.
In recent times BNP members have been attacked by gunmen, who tried to run them off the road in Dagenham, Essex, and fired shots at them. The bullets hit a window and made holes in the car bodywork. This was a determined attempt to murder British patriots by these evil gunmen, which no doubt were programmed by the evil hate-merchants & witch-finders in the "British" press. The gunmen followed the BNP men at high speed through the streets of Dagenham late at night, trying to force them off the road so they could shoot them more easily.
This is genocide! Therefore the editors & staff of newspapers that constantly vilify BNPers are guilty of a crime under International Law, and should be tried at the Hague, along with their publishers. It is high time Elish Angeloni, Solicitor General in Edinburgh , was giving serious consideration to extending the protection las to the BNP members, by instituting legal proceedings against newspapers who constantly vilify BNPers in their columns. Failure to do so would suggest the Solicitor General thinks BNP members should not be protected by the Genocide Laws, and are fair game for any lying hate sheet to defame & vilify with their foul hate-speak, just because the editors and staff disagree with their policies.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Famine, the capitalist reality

Seeing you standing alongside David Kerr of Ulster Nation gave me an idea. Perhaps Mr. Kerr could reach the solution to a long suffering sore between the Irish & their former English colonial landlords?

We know that the argarian revolution motivated landlords to invest in making their land more productive. Many seem to have borrowed from money lenders in London. Were these members of the usual money lending tribe? These loans motivated the landlords to clear their tenants off the land, causing the Irish dispora to every corner of the globe & overcrowded slums in Britain's emerging towns & cities.

For years we Brits have been blamed for the Irish land clearences & the hardships of the disporia. e have been blamed for the Irish famine. Contempoary writers have said that shiploads of Irish agricultural produce went to ports in England to pay for the rents on Irish smallholdings & farms. Was this at least partly to pay off debts owed to money lenders in Elgland?

If so the greed of these money lenders led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Irish peasants, and Irish folk should stop blaming only the British for their dispora. Similar situations after all led to droves of English, Scots, Welsh & Cornish folk also been driven off into the slums of industrial cities & mill towns.

Such anaylis will undoubtably lead to wails of "anti-semitism" but these are legitimate historical questions. Why should poor jews seek to defend rich ones out of a misguided racial loyalty?
A similar historical con has led to white Christians being blamed for the slave-trade, white jewish involvement is minimalised. Even more outragious is the silence of the massacre of Christians in the Soviet gulags by disproportionately jewish bolshevik leaders. I have read with my own eyes a contribution to the jewish Socialist journal arguing that Russia & Eastern Europe should be more like they were in Stalin's time. 0nly Christians being slaughtered I suppose...

Sunday 26 April 2009

And another thing...

One left-wing magazine said there were nearly five and a half million jobs in the public sector of the British economy. No wonder taxes are so high!
Meanwhile real wealth earning jobs are being "out-sourced" to India, China, Egypt & Vietnam to maximise profits by using cheap labour there, but creating unemployment & poverty here.

Saturday 25 April 2009

Journalism & the Ugandian Asians

I approved of Broadsword's criticism of the Independant newspapers hysterical reporting of the "Uprising against fascism".
It seems as if the Independant is trying to take the place of the Guardian as Britain's premier white-guilt,anti-racism peddling broadsheet.
I've written lots of letters to them in criticism of the Independant's anti-British, anti-white political line, not one published, surprise, surprise! It is an indication of the poisonous effect of liberalism and left-wing politics that most of the journalists who write this stuff are white themselves.
0ne Independant journalist who is not is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who called us, white working-class, lazy slobs. She is a Ugandian Asian who vaunts her middle-class status in Britain. From her ritings, she manifestly does not like us Brits, especially working-class men. Yet she votes with her feet in favour of our great British culture, which she seems to consider superior to the culture that exists in the land of her orgins.
Yasmin A-B's forebearers left India to take jobs in West Africa, when Britain had an Empire. Years later in the 1970's when the Asians began to exhibit arrogant attitudes toward the indigenous natives, President Idi Amin threw them all out. Did they return to the land of their orgins? Not them! They flooded into Britain & are now starting to display the same arrogance toward us Brits as they did toward the Ugandians.
If this continues maybe WE will be provoked into doing what Idi Amin did & kick them out.
Hasten the day.

Friday 24 April 2009

A few thoughts on the crimes of Communism

A few years ago, the London based Jewish Socialist magazine, published a article by a female contributor which said she wanted Communism to be like it as in the days of Stalin. Reading this sentiment I was astonished by the ignorance of the terrible reality of Communism displayed by this writer. If she did know the truth, then here was an evil woman.
In vol. 2 of his Gulag trilogy, Alexander Solzhenitzsyn said that some 66,000,000 were slaughtered in the Soviet Union in Stalin's time alone (1925-1953). The writer Jurganov said that seperate research was needed to establish the death toll for the days of Lenin & Trotsky; but it certainly ran into millions. Daily Express writer Freddy Forsythe wrote that some 6 million died in the days of Lenin & Trotsky. Forsythe has a reputation for accuracy, so added to Stalin's total, we can see that the evil reds slaughtered about 72,000,000 people in the USSR between 1918-1953. This is a system that the Jewish Socialist wants established on this earth!
Joachim Hoffman in his book "Stalin's war of extermination", tells us the civil powers of Eastern Europe & Western Russia have so far uncovered 100,000 pits of dead bodies, the victims all shot in the back of the head by Soviet NKVD execution squads. Many were confessing Christians, either Russia Orthodox, RC or minority protestants. Others were captured Polish Officers, murdered at Katyn forest, German and Axis POW's, German civilians murdered in 1945.
Signifigantly for the Jewish Socialist writer, the late Menachen Begin, former Israeli PM & ex-leader of the zionist terrorist group Irgun once commented that communism was alright hen led by the jews. I understand that the publication, Jewish Socialist has no gone out of print, but I doubt that anyone will miss its demise as it peddled ignorance, hate and class conflict. Somthing that a certain Searchlight magazine appears to do today. Lots of gullable folk pour cash into its coffers in the belief that it espouses progressive politics. Its editor, Gerry Gable lives in the Essex stockbroker belt and owns two cars - a socialist living the dolce Vita, what?

Thursday 23 April 2009

Food for thought...

I was sitting in a fast-food shop in Sauchiehall stree, Glasgow, right by the big window which gave me a full view of the street outside. In the street there was a ship filled with broken pallets. Two young asian men were walking past. Suddenly they were assaulted by 5 other asian men. 0ne of the young men ran away in fear, but the other was knocked to the ground. 0ne of the attackers seized a piece of pallet out of the skip ith a heavy block of hard wood screwed on it. He began to batter the young man on the ground with hammer blows to his back, arm and head. Another of the asians got a whole pallet & lifted it above his head, and smashed it down with all his force on the prone man on the ground. As suddenly as it began, the assault ceased, and the young asian assailants ran off along Sauchiehall street towards Hope street.
The police came and, having finished my snack, I went outside & told the police Sargeant what I had witnessed. I had seen the Asians disappearing over the summit of Sauchiehall street & said he could easily catch them.
He merely said "Oh they were asians?" and that was that. He made no attempt to apprehend them.
Whats happening here? Have the Police Officers have been warned by their superiors to lay off ethnic minorities in case they get a bad press? (Institutional racism you know!) How do the Police expect to keep the loyalty of us Brits when they so manifestly practice racial discrimination against us? It can't be argued that they don't show favour to the poor ethnic minorities just like the bleeding heart liberals & the left. Is there one law for ethnic minorities and another for us White Working Class Brits? Is it a sin to be White in Britain today like our fathers & mothers & our forebearers?
An accquaintance of mine had his car at the corner, when a young asian reversed a car & bumped into my friend's parked car. He asked for the Asian's name, address & insurance details. The young Asian said it was his father's car & he would fetch him from the temple. When his father came, a police car had stopped. The father said "You don't trust me because I'm black" (notice the guilt peddling on the Asian father's part). The father was covering up for his son because the son had no driving licence & no insurance. The Police said it was a civil affair, but it is a criminal offence to drive without a licence & to have no insurance. So,we see the Police were no more worthy of our trust than the Asian. Why did the cops not charge him & his son? It can only be that their senior 0fficers have told them to lay off ethnic minorities. It is manefestly true to say our govt. have played the race card, and the middle class lefties are too stupid to see it. 0ur land has been flooded with droves of hostile aliens, cheap labour is one reason, but it could be that sinister conspiritorial types want mobs of aliens let loose on the streets as a battering ram in a future revolutionary situation. Some five and a half million are employed in the public sector of the British economy. It is taxes that will keep them in work but the bill is too high, so lots will be sacked. They will take to the streets in mass demos, riots will ensue & the left will cry for revolution.
Its Coming! Watch for it!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

The End???

It is interesting to know that an arrogant Isreali scholar raged in Europe recently. He boasted that Israel has Weapons of Mass Destruction, and said that if they (Israel) go down, they on't go down alone. Don't treat his words as empty boasting. This is the people who gave us Masada, and who hold their Purim feast since about 2500 years ago to celebrate their slaughter of Haman, his 10 sons and 85,000 critics of the jews.
The Israeli academic claimed that Israel's "Jericho" rockets & jets are capible of reaching "Rome & central Europe", so are we nearing the end of the world?

Monday 13 April 2009

The Great Chinese takeaway

They called it "The great drain robbery" here in Scotland. Some theiving characters went around the streets with a vehicle, stealing cast steel drain covers & selling them to unscrupioulous scrap metal merchants. These dealers broke them up & sold them to China, hose economy is booming, and in need of lots of scrap metal. China is willing to pay premium prices for this scrap.
Another saying they have up here is "The Great Chinese takeaway". They are taking away our very livelihood by buying up the factories that employ us & pay us wages. These factories also produce the goods which make our Nation wealthy. The Chinese simply export the machinery back to China, re-install them in great factory sites in the huge cities they're erecting (they've got some cities with over 1 million population, some have 4-6 million). The cheap, non-union labour enables China's Communist govt. to produce at very low cost. China exports these goods to our Nation to sell in our markets, using the machines they bought in Britain, too! Amazing eh!
Thus, a giant container ship sailed out of China for the container base at Felixstowe. It was sneaked out with 3000 by 20 feet containers loaded up with these cheap goods produced by China's cheap scab labour force. These goods were sold by the financier class here in Britain to make lots of cash for themselves out of the deal; but what about us British workers? "Searchlight" magazine has a slogan, "A worker is a worker"; but in this case we see Chinese workers doing us British workers out of our livelihood with their cheap, scab labour.
"Searchlight's" scribblers are okay, of cource I mean, Gerry Gable lives in a plushy home in the Essex stockbroker belt. According to "New Target", this is reckoned to be worth £500,000 and Gable has two cars like John Prescott, the Labour Party's (former) Cabinet Minister. Real bourjous types now days, eh? I ask, what have British workers got? Long-term unemployment & poverty, and we don't like it one bit, especially when our Governers continue to swamp our National terrority with aliens from abroad to beat down our wage rates, and drive us out of jobs.
"Searchlight" calls the new Nationalist union "Solidarity", a scab union; but scabs work for lower wages than other workers. It is'nt "Solidarity" who is advocating a low wage policy to beat down our pay rates here in Britain. Its "Searchlight's" left-swing comrades in China who are doing that act of scabbing. They want to see our National territory samped with cheap labour from abroad, because "A worker is a worker" in their failed, crackpot, internationalist-globalist world-view.
Well I've got news for them - an accquaintance of mine down in London got the sack from his job, along with 4 of his work-mates, (all workers, mark you). His former employer took on 5 Kosovans at £50 per week less wages. look at just some of the factories which have closed down in Britain, and moved to cheap, scab labour economies in Asia. Ravenscraig steelworks shut down in Motherwell & its machinery was sold to China's Communist govt. Chinese workers came to Scotland & stripped the factory down. They packed the machinery into containers and transported it lock, stock and barrel to China. There it was re-assembled in a giant Chinese factory to make cheap steel for sale to the west. Goodyear tyres was situated in Drumchapel on the western periphery of Glasgow. It closed down & moved to China. You see, the left-wing trade unionists had been causing constant industrial strife with strikes. The company warned the workforce that they would close down; but the left-wing dopes sais they are bluffing. In China there are no left-wingers to stir up any industrial strife, if you strike under a Communist govt. they call it counter-revolutionary. We know what the Communist Chinese Red army did to strikers protesting in Tianammen Square in Peking. They shot them down and even ran them over with tanks. Masses were arrested and beaten up, then sent to the Communist gulags, as cheaper than cheap labour; but thats what Communists always do to us when they get power over us. Their history is steeped in the blood of millions of workers, yet these phoneys tell us "a worker is a worker".
Caterpillar tractors on the eastern periphery of Glasgow closed down & moved to China. Needless to say the workforce in these factories went into long term unemployment and poverty as a consequence of "The Great Chinese takeaway" policy line. I known about it, I was unemployed for 20 years, but the geeks in the middle-class fat-cats in the trade unions are okay. They are not unemployed & poverty-stricken for years. Yet these evil, callous men shreif their hatespeak at us. Why? Because we protest at our poverty, and reject their failed internationalist-globalist system which has brought us down. We want our industries protected so as to ensure our jobs & livelihood. We think such a situation can only be brought about by Nationalism. They realise that such an economic system would destroy their power over us & their power to organise us means more to them than our joblessness and poverty.
China is so vast by comparison with Britain that it poses a distinct threat to our livelihoods. What is more, the Chinese seem to be justifying their scabbing tactics against us by wailing away about the 0pium wars of 150 years ago. Yet it as'nt us White workers who sent 0pium out to China, so why should they want revenge on us? In my opinion, its evil anti-white racism we are seeing rising up in China, S.E. asia , India, etc. But in the jaundiced vision of the Left, only whites can be racist. Talk about self-hate? Anyway, no Brits stuffed 0pium up the noses of the Chinese people. they paid for it, and smoked it freely in their 0pium dens. Does that give them the right to rave on about how us Brits owe them for the 0pium wars, and to gloat over our impoverishment as a just revenge on us? The guilt-ridden self-hating middle class left may say so; but we workers don't!
Down in Northampton & Leicester, Clark's footwear fim closed down, and re-opened in Vietnam. In Britain, workers were paid about £300 per week, with overtime & bonuses. The Communist govt. of vietnam pay their workers £30 per week. The left-wing union, NALGO-UNISON, says nothing. UNISON's middle-class, fat-cat lefties gave "Searchlight" some £20,000 as a donation, out of their members' funds. Why? It was to run a campaign of hate against us British workers who were protesting about our unemployment & poverty. Any workers who support the left are not wise. The left are not the friend of the British unemployed working man. They have betrayed us in the cause of in the cause of internationalism-globalism - "a worker is a worker" they shout.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Not so subtle workings of the Secret State

Stella Rimmington was once the Director of MI5, the British Intelligence service.
She is now retired and has left behind "the great game", as spying has been called. Mrs. Rimmington has taken up writing books, perhaps this might suggest that her state pension is not sufficient to keep her in the manner to which she has become accustomed; but maybe she just wants to express herself & make some extra cash at the same time.
I have only read one of her books, Secret Assets, but it gives you some idea of the mindset of the people who work in the Intelligence Services. Mrs. Rimmington has created a lady spy, Liz Carlyle in her book as a mouthpiece for her own thoughts, and the former Head of the MI5 seems to think British Nationalism is an extreemist position to adopt. I wonder why? After all, what is wrong with British? After all, our forefathers were not ashamed to be called British when they took our great culture to the World to establish the Pax Britianica. We had an Empire on which the sun never set, but the Lib-Lab-Conservative establishment cast it all away with their crackpot theories of guilt, shame & self-hatred.
Who can doubt that our former colonies would have been more prosperous & peaceful under British Colonial Guidance rather than the rule of the greedy, covetous men who no rule Africa? Since the 1960's, these men have looted Africa of its wealth & have slaughtered anyone who got in the way of their building themselves bigger & better places & personal fortunes.
Mrs. Rimmington has a chacater in her book called Sohail Din (perhaps a distant relative of Gunga Din). I'll leave you to guess his ethnic orgin, but he was on the side of MI5. He was one of their assets & they pretended to look after him & reward his loyalty - what nonsense! Lots of former MI5 assets have protested over the way they were done down by British Intellgence (which includes Special Branch). The magazine "Bye Spy" has printed material about this, it shows a wilful betrayal of the loyalty of those people who were Intelligence assets. In fact anyone who helps our officers of State in the intelligence services is extreemly unwise in my opinion.
In her book the suspicion for Sohail's murder falls on British Nationalists - surprise, surprise! According to the book the BNP had been "particularly active" in the area where Sohail was murdered. I'd like to ask what are the statistics for the murder of ethnic minotities by British Nationalists? The National Front have a list of 140-150 White British people murdered murdered by ethenic minorities but Stella Rimmington does not say one word about this. She has a Labour Councillor Omar Singh, who says, "This killing has all the hallmarks of a racial murder & the BNP have refused to comment". There is a tendenacy in the media to blame a lot of the trouble in Britain, on Britain's right-wing Nationalists. If, for example, White nationalists call a public meeting in one of our great cities, the middle-class left will bus in their rent-a-mob from all over the land to yell hate at decent British folk. It has even been known for Special Branch to get the bookings cancelled to prevent Nationalists holding their meetings.
I can recall being at a meeting organised by the BNP in in the city of Edinburgh some years ago. The police actully stopped a train bringing Nationalists up from England. The police ordered the BNP men off the train and marched them over to the opposite platform where they were told to get on the train & return to England. Anyone who refused was threatened with instant arrest.
This is the Sovietisation of Britain and the Intelligence Services have worked to create this situation. Meanwhile in Edinburugh's Haymarket station droves of left-wing thugs gathered to oppose the British Nationalists they thought would be arriving. I saw young British Nationalists in George Square, Glasgow walking toward Queen Street Station when they were attacked by left-wing thugs. I saw whitemen, their faces slashed by screwdrivers & blades wielded by left-wing thugs & ethnic-minority hooligans. Where was the Special Branch then?
Stella Rimmington misses out such facts in her novel. She hides the events behind made-up stories about British Nationalists. There is a telling remark by one of her characters, the principle spy, Liz Carlyle says "I was a bit of a lefty at university, I was surprised I got through the vetting". I don't see why she should be surprised, the British Intelligence srvices MI5, MI6 & Special Branch have always been infiltrated by left-wing activists, not in fiction, but in reality. In the 1940's, 1950's & 1960's the so-called "Cambridge Apostles" betrayed Britain's secrets to the Soviet Union. These men & women were all left-wing activists recruited into British Intelligence.
Earlier in the century, one man in the Intelligence Services fed information to Michael Collins of the IRA which led to a bloodbath when British agents were murdered by IRA gunmen in Dublin. "Lobster" magazine tells us that there were droves of homosexuals inside MI5 & MI6, all of them got through the vetting procedure. Some even went to serve the Intelligence services in ulster during the troubles. One MI5 officer went home on leave to London from Ulster & was horribly murdered his homo, rent boy bedmate. He was repeatedly stabbed in a frenzy of hate. The message being "Don't mess with homosexuals!" No comment on this by Mrs. Rimmington.
Novels such as hers help to form public opinion, Stella Rimmington is respected because she is the former head of MI5 & she says the "far right" in Britain are concievably dangerous. If a lowly working class man like myself derides the rubbish reported about the patriotic British Right in such a novel, the media buffs will sneer, "What do you know?"

Saturday 11 April 2009

Hidden Hands

Democracy as we know it is a hoax.
In Britain there is a committe of 12 to 14 unelected men known as the "crown" who rule the "City" (of London), which is a privately owned corperation-soverign state (Vatican of the commercial world) occupying 677 acres (The square mile) in the heart of the 510 square mile, dicate to our "elected" British parlament, as demonstrated with the Suez Canal ar & no the illegal Afgan-Iraq war, and are not subject to the Sovereign.
The "City" has its own Lord Mayor (not to be confused with Greater london's Mayor Ken Livingston who is/was elected but is not a Lord Mayor), its on independant "city" of London police and here is grouped the privately owned Bank of "England", London Stock Exchange, Lloyds of london & most of the international trading concerns.
When our Queen visits the "City" she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, she bows and asks permission to enter his Private Soverign State. He grants permission by handing her the sword of state. During such State visits, the Lord Mayor in his chains & his entourage in medieval costumes, outshines the Roayal party, who can dress up no further than in Service Uniforms. The Lord Mayor leads the Queen into the "city", staying a pace or two behind him. There were two seperate Emires. One was the British Empire, such as Australia, Canada & others which were considered "white" and were governed under Soverign & British law. The other was the "Crown" Empire, which included mainly lands containing coloured people & known as "Crown" colonies, having seperate laws.
The "city" reaped scandelous wealth from the Empire(s) for the international bankers and our condoning aristocracy, as British taxpayers paid for the military & naval forces used to maintain the "Crown's" supremacy throughout most of the world, with much bloodshed & escalating National Debt, while British peasents lived poverty stiricken, in back to back slums.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Some may call it conspiracy

Iraq used to be one of Britain's best customers. we had a balance of payments surplus of £47,000,000 with that nation. This trade surplus kept the wheels of industry turning in our British factories, and helped to make Britain prosperous. trade with Iraq gave us regular employment & wages to the British working folk, and was a nice little earner to those firms engaged in it. we are a trading nation, and so need to keep the goodwill of our customers. Now we have cast it all away to make war on Iraq at the behest of the USA, which even Tam Dalyall acknowledged was influenced by a zionist cabal in Washington DC. Organised jewry, of cource wailed away about "anti-semitism", there was even talk of Dayall been prosocuted under the vicious anti-British race laws. Yet Dayall's comments were totally legitimate as demonstrated by Richard clark.
Richard Clarke was a highly placed security officer in the USA & wrote a book in which he revealed Paul Wolfowitz used his influence with President Bush to convince the US Govt. of the theory that the terrorists who caused the appauling 9/11 tragedy could not have done so without sate aid. According to Wolfowitz, Iraq was that state. So America sent an army to invade Iraq, which just happens to be an enemy of Israel & zionist imperialism. Wolfowitz was named "man of the year" in an Israeli news magazine, all because he used his influence on President Bush to get a massive international assault force into the Middle-East to fight Israel's enemies. Wolfowitz was then made a big shot in the World Bank. Surprise surprise!! As for Richard Clarke, he seems to have lost his US Govt. security job, because he now works for some private security organisation. Strange how critics of zionist imperialism seem to lose their jobs soon after they have listed the lid on "the hidden hand".
What, you don't suppose that vengeful zionists could be beavering away behind the scenes to do down their honest critics, do you?
A.L. Lilenthal suggests such in his book "The zionist connection". Paul Wolfowitz is of cource jewish American & roots away for Eretz-Israel & zionism. I say that if the jews & Israel want to fight Muslims let them go ahead, but don't drag us into their wars. It is time we broke the chains of guilt that the jews have shackled on to our consciousness with their wails about the holocaust, and how it makes us all their debtors. That Britain & Europe must repay that debt with the lives & limbs of our young servicemen & women. Plus our national treasure is expended on war materials to fight the enemies of Israel.
We British have suffered enough pain & sorrow in wars to help the jews. Look at the Wars of imperialism in the 19th Century which opened up the world for jewish financial investment. This includes the Boer War which gave jewish banks and financiers control of South Africas' gold, diamonds & mineral deposits. I realise of cource that it was the big monied jews who profited out of these conflicts, but small jews seem to take pride in the way their wealthier co-religionists enrich themselves. They frequently sneer that we are "goyim" are full of envy of the way that jews enrich themselves at our expence and that we are guilty of anti-semitism.
World War 1 propped up jewish economic and political power in Russia & Europe. What did the British get? A massive death toll and hundreds of thousands of greviously wounded soldiers.
Then in the aftermath we made enemies across the muslim world by opening up Paslestine as a homeland for jews across the world. When the Palestinians began to fight back to keep their country, British troops beat down the Arab rebellion in the mid-1930's. This resulted in the Palestinians being kicked out of their country to make room for the incoming zionist settlers. Then we fought WW2 to destroy German nationalism & National Socialism which was posing a threat to international financial power in Europe. Then we fought the Suez War in 1956 when we beat Egypt's forces. In America, jewish financiers began a run on the pound to force Britain out of the Middle-East, leaving Israel as the strongest military power in the region. The Falklands war began when a jewish owned scrap metal company sought to recover scrap leaft behind from the whaling days and we know the out come there!
If the zionists want to defend their tiny, aggressive nation in the Middle-East, let them all make their personal "Aliyah" to Israel & join the israeli army & Air Force. El Al runs a regular service to Israel, there they can grow side-curls and beards, they can feast on gefite fish and matzos to their hearts content wnd they can also simmer away with hate for the goyim without annoying us. Right?

Wednesday 8 April 2009


A White man who endured 20 years of unemployment & the poverty that goes with that unhappy state, when he carried a placard saying; "What about us unemployed White Workers?" And stood at the pavement edge displaying it at a left-wing demonstrator who shrieked "Race Hate" at him & "Scum! Scum! Scum!" They chanted on and on.
So we White Workers are regarded as scum by the left, and the Senior Cops were on their side as so too were the Special Branch.
H.M. Broadsword 31

Monday 6 April 2009

Unusual truths from the left

George Galloway has written a book called "I'm not the only one". On page 119 he tells us that the late Robin Cook MP was "the head of MI6. When I was at university in the 1970's, I went to a meeting of the Communist Party. It was held in the city halls, above the old fruit market. The principal speaker was Robin Cook. All the communists present called him "comrade Cook" and deferred to him. The mind boggles? Eh? The future head of MI6 addressing a gathering of the Communist Party, it is straight out of a conspiracy theory, or is it?

Galloway also tells us that Dr. John Reid MP, who is (was) currently a Govt. minister, was also once a member of the Communist Party. Galloway calls him, their Sgt. Major. It seems Dr. reid has a fund of IRA songs, which he delights in singing when he's "boozed up" (which seems to be rather often if we can believe Galloway). George Galloway seems to be undergoing some kind of identity crisis as he asks in his book;

"Which is my country for example?

Scotland, where I was born?

Great Britain, the state from which I draw my citizenship?

(and his fat salary plus MP's expences!)

Ireland from where my family came?

Or from Palestine, Cuba, Vietnem, Nicaruga or any of the other places Which I fought for?"

Galloway reminds me of Sir Walter Scott:

"Lies there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself said this is my own, my native land."

George Galloway gives the appearence of being such a man, a dead soul, debased with the plague of Marxism, to feel hatred & contempt for his own nation (which nevertheless pays him a very high remuneration - the former tory MP Alan Clark said that Westminister MP's get £140,000 per year in wages & expences).

Galloway himself says "my flag is red, my country is the future!"

So its all 'pie, apple pie in the sky, by and by'. Reds like Galloway promise us the earth. Meanwhile he solicits our votes to keep him in a comfortable job, living the sweet life and indulging in his political fantacies.
He reminds me of one true "lefty" believer who went to the USSR on a conducted tour. At the end of the visit he gushed like a child, "I have seen the future, and it works".
Well, it's not working now is it? All the formally staunch Communist lands of the Soviet Bloc which once trumpeted Internationalism now propagate Nationalism. Yet the Left in Britain cling to their failed system of Internationalism. It escapes their minds that Internationalism merely lays the foundations for Globalism & a One World system of Finance Capitalist Monopoly.
H.M. Broadsword 30

Sunday 5 April 2009

Letter to the Devil

The Editor,
searchlight Magazine,
Essex Stockbrokers Belt,
Ilford, Essex.
It says in the Old Testament (see Exodus, Chap. 20):
"Hear 0 Israel, I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour".
You have broken that commandment of Jehovah Elohim three times with me.
1. You accuse me of sending you a used condom, which you took to your comrades in the police force.
2. You accuse me of sending you bomb diagrams, obviously with the intent of menacing & intimidating you.
3. You accuse me of carrying a big bread knife, presumably to carve up well-heeled middle-class lefties like you.
I deny all accursations against me by you, and you had already done so in a letter to you on the first two charges; but you wilfully repeated the vicious libel twice more just to show your power, and to express your evil purim mindsetof hatred for us honest British working-class patriots of the right. In fact, I sent a letter of protest to the Commissioner of Police down in London; but big important officials of State don't seign to reply to lowly HGV drivers liked myself.
Since I have no cash, I can't sue you in a court of criminal libel, and as a working class man, I would never get legal aid to take my case to a court of law. I suspect you knew this, so you keep on repeating your foul lies about my character. In my experience, it is only powerful jews like the Maxwell sons who do get legal aid, is'nt it. Five & a half million they got, if my memory serves me right.
I suggest, then, that you take out a private prosocution against me for allegedly sending you communications intended to menace and intimidate you. I'm sure that you will be able to hire the services of a solicitor and barrister. After all, you have a plushy home in the Essex stockbrokers' belt, said to be worth £500,000 by one source I read. Oh! And you have two cars, one a pricey Sweedish Saab, What? On top of that, the jewish lady who runs the National Lottery has given you £150,000, I have read. Then several left-wing unions have given you scores of thousands of pounds of their members funds to help you practice criminal libel against poverty stricken working-class men like me. In a court of law we can perhaps establish that you are a false witness who speaks lies, out of your hatred you feel for us unhypenated British working class men of the Right.
In my opinion your magazine is one of the principle reasons for the rise in anti-semitism in Britain. I've heard young Brits growl with rage at your vile hatespeak you shreik forth in your pages. Al Baron had your number right; he said you were the sweepings of the ghettos, and Larry O'Hara does not have lots of good words for you either. Does he?
H. Mullin.
Copies to;
1 "The Guardian", London
2 "The Independant", London
3 "New Statesman", London
4 "Tribune", London
5 Larry 0'Hara, London
6 Al Baron, London
7 "jewish Chronicle", London
8 "The Daily Express", Glasgow
9 "Daily Record" & "Sunday Mail", Glasgow
10 "The Scotsman", Edinburgh
11 Robin Ramsey, "Lobster"
12 "Vanguard"
None to the cops. I've found out by bitter experience that they could not care less about us working class folk. We have no political clout, so they ignore totally our legitimate complaints. They are not our police.
I told them my home was being entered by persons unknown. They said I should ask the Housing Authority for another home in another district. Thus, cash, personal documents, camera lenses, and books were stolen from my home by the "entryists".
Interestingly, I saw Ray Hill sitting on the low wall opposite my tenament flat, when I went don to street level, and round the corner, I saw a big black and blue 1960's mercedes car pulling away. You know, the one that Hitler favoured, with the big chrome headlights.
Oh! The "entryists" also stole clothing off me. Among the last was two pairs of black nylon underpants. Could that thief have been a kinky type (like so many middle-class lefties seem to be, what?) Maybe somthing like Ari Bidney, friend of "searchlight". I've read he was a notorious sodomite who picked up wee blonde-haired boys out of the Soho meat-rack, took them home and sodomised them to the tune of "The ride of the Valkryes" played on a record player. Wierd folk in this bad old world, what?
I composed a wee poem to show how I feel about having my little store of property stolen! Oh, I'm a trendy leftie, and I wear black underpants, I stole them of of Harry Mullin's drawer. He was't in you see, when I used my skeleton key, and I like the smell of his underpants so well, that I stuck them in my pocket and was off like a rocket, cos I'm a kinky type, and men's underpants I swipe.
Britain. Free of a desert. Anti-British minotities go home to your own lands, and leave us British at peace in ours. Oh! And take your middle-class leftie comrades with you. What?

Friday 3 April 2009

Class Hate

William Hickey writes a colum in "The Daily Express". He sneers at white working-class folk, calling us "neds". Hickey actully jeered at poverty stricken white working-class folk who were so poor that they could'nt buy shoes for their children, who walked about in their bare feet in Summertime.
It sounds hard to believe; but Hickey actully hates and despises working-class folk so much that he chortled over us getting T.B. which attacked our joints & limbs & twisted them all out of shape, leaving us crippled & unable to get employment thus we lived in poverty for most of our lives.
I remembered Matt who lived in a Gorballs slum off Cumberland street in the 1940's. Matt wore a hip-cast & went about painfully on crutches. T.B. eats away the delicate surface of our joints, causing great pain.
Jerry was another T.B. victim. His leg was 7 inches short, and he was just a young teenage lad from North Glasgow. Then there was Peter who had twisted legs. I saw him recently leaning on a sort of a zimmer chair with wheels & brakes on it. All his life, since he was at school, Peter has hippled about painfully. Now in his mid-70's he's getting near the end of his life, all that long time he's endured poverty.
Alan was another lad I knew, he had a big lump on his spine. T.B. ate away his bones, until the vertabrae collapsed into a twisted hump.
These are the folk Hickey jeered at mockingly in his column. Its a revival of the 18th century mindset of Thomas Malthus & David Picardo. They thought badly of white working-class folk & wanted them to die so that the middle-class types would not be taxed to help them survive. Then they wonder why working-class folk despise, even hate such callous middle-class types.
It was the could-not-care-less attitude of the middle-class that forced us workingh folk into vermin infested tenement slums in Glasgow, etc. It was only when it was pointed out that the awful diseases we suffered could break out into middle-class areas, that they began to express concern, and cried for social change besides working-folk now had the vote, and in their attempts to get the power, they had to sweet talk us with decent housing with baths, inside toilets and electric.
Prior to then we had gas-lighting, outside toilets shared with 3-4 families, no hot water. William hickey expresses the callous mindset of upper and middle-class types in those days. They're not really humans, such people, they're sort of devils in human form, full of hatred & contempt for us white working class men.
H. Mullin, Apr. '09