Wednesday 29 April 2009

lies, scum and the media

It is manifest from the hate-speak spewed out by many national & local newspapers, as well as the so-called anti-racist magazines, that they are guilty of breaking Article 2 (b), (c) & (d) of the Genocide Laws. Many of these publications cause bodily or mental harm to BNP members& sympathisers, by stirring up hatred against them in their columns. The vile hate-speak they pour out programmes the politically ignorant and motivates them to attack both verbally and physically British Nationalists, who have been stabbed, slashed, bottled & battered. These morons have been programmed to hate us by the witch-hunting bigots in the press, abusing their power to influence the thinking of their readership. Anyone who says the press doesn't influence is readers, is saying that advertising in its pages is a useless excercise. No editor will admit that, so the press influences folk to hate us.
Certain newspapers in Scotland have even come out & stated they wish to see BNP members sacked from their employment & sent into poverty. These papers gloat when they succeed. They display BNPers in their papers and ask readers to send in their names, addresses and places of employment. They then send in their vile witch-hunting scribblers to these firms & the BNP member gets sacked.
In recent times BNP members have been attacked by gunmen, who tried to run them off the road in Dagenham, Essex, and fired shots at them. The bullets hit a window and made holes in the car bodywork. This was a determined attempt to murder British patriots by these evil gunmen, which no doubt were programmed by the evil hate-merchants & witch-finders in the "British" press. The gunmen followed the BNP men at high speed through the streets of Dagenham late at night, trying to force them off the road so they could shoot them more easily.
This is genocide! Therefore the editors & staff of newspapers that constantly vilify BNPers are guilty of a crime under International Law, and should be tried at the Hague, along with their publishers. It is high time Elish Angeloni, Solicitor General in Edinburgh , was giving serious consideration to extending the protection las to the BNP members, by instituting legal proceedings against newspapers who constantly vilify BNPers in their columns. Failure to do so would suggest the Solicitor General thinks BNP members should not be protected by the Genocide Laws, and are fair game for any lying hate sheet to defame & vilify with their foul hate-speak, just because the editors and staff disagree with their policies.

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