Thursday 30 April 2009

Thoughts & Reflections

Homosexuals have been able to get their sexual orientation regulations passed by our Government. This we are told will grant them equality. Homosexuals will probably seek to establish case law in their favour. This could be done by two overt homosexuals making a booking in a hotel whilst kissing & caressing each other. If the manager of the hotel as offended by their behaviour & refused to permit them to stay in his property, they will run wailing to the cops to level a complaint, saying they have been denied equality under the law. They will probably have made arrangements with some cop who is homosexual himself. Thus the hotel owner will find himself in court being sued for damages.
Sodomites should realise that their attempts to impose their life-style on we non-homosexuals, could create a bitter & violent backlash against them. It could end up with bands of enraged vigilanties attacking the sodomites & their supporters! Who knows what can of worms the queers have opened?
Years ago I was down in London as a taxi driver. I went for a walk to Hyde Park corner to hear the speakers, some of whom are very interesting. There was one man standing on a platform with Israeli flags flying. He as obviously a pro-jewish zionist. It always puzzles me why zionists stay here in Britain yet still moot for Israel. If I were a zionist I would be off to my on land. Common honesty would demand it, but these zionists are not honest folk. They stay in our land, eat our British bread, yet express loyalty for a foreign land in the Middle East. To me this is traitorous behaviour.
In the communist manifesto, marx & Engels say the bourgeoisie have broken the bands wjich formally united folk in their nations. Before religious unity bred respect among the lower classes in society & a sense or responsibility among the upper classes. Now it has been replaced by the cash nexus.
Looking how it worked out among the working class in my younger day. Refusal to do any form of military service was regarded as a serious offence. Those deemed guilty were rubbished in the mass-media & given serious gaol sentences. I once saw a policeman in our street battering a man with a baton. My brother, in naval uniform, ran over & grabbed the baton to stop the cop battering the man. The cop replied "but he's a deserter!"
Here was a man, who lived in the slums of Glasgow. His home was ridden with vermin, bugs,lice, rats & mice, yet the bourgeoisie expected him to go out and "fight for his country". old bonds have been severed & national unity is a thing of the past.
Strange but true, British taxpayers, who face losing their weekly rubbish collection, are funding nightly dustbin collections on the remote Galapagos Islands.
The dustbin rounds on the South American Islands are being financed by the European Union, to whom the UK pays £10.5 billion annually. The EU says that tourish on the Galapagos has increased dramatically, and the majority of those are from Western Europe. It claims that the EU is helping the Galapagos set up an "intergrated waste management system".
The Galapagos Islands charge tourists a £50 fee before the leave the airport, as a payment for entering the national park. With so much money coming from visiting tourists, the Islands should be able to pay for their own rubbish collections!

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