Friday 24 April 2009

A few thoughts on the crimes of Communism

A few years ago, the London based Jewish Socialist magazine, published a article by a female contributor which said she wanted Communism to be like it as in the days of Stalin. Reading this sentiment I was astonished by the ignorance of the terrible reality of Communism displayed by this writer. If she did know the truth, then here was an evil woman.
In vol. 2 of his Gulag trilogy, Alexander Solzhenitzsyn said that some 66,000,000 were slaughtered in the Soviet Union in Stalin's time alone (1925-1953). The writer Jurganov said that seperate research was needed to establish the death toll for the days of Lenin & Trotsky; but it certainly ran into millions. Daily Express writer Freddy Forsythe wrote that some 6 million died in the days of Lenin & Trotsky. Forsythe has a reputation for accuracy, so added to Stalin's total, we can see that the evil reds slaughtered about 72,000,000 people in the USSR between 1918-1953. This is a system that the Jewish Socialist wants established on this earth!
Joachim Hoffman in his book "Stalin's war of extermination", tells us the civil powers of Eastern Europe & Western Russia have so far uncovered 100,000 pits of dead bodies, the victims all shot in the back of the head by Soviet NKVD execution squads. Many were confessing Christians, either Russia Orthodox, RC or minority protestants. Others were captured Polish Officers, murdered at Katyn forest, German and Axis POW's, German civilians murdered in 1945.
Signifigantly for the Jewish Socialist writer, the late Menachen Begin, former Israeli PM & ex-leader of the zionist terrorist group Irgun once commented that communism was alright hen led by the jews. I understand that the publication, Jewish Socialist has no gone out of print, but I doubt that anyone will miss its demise as it peddled ignorance, hate and class conflict. Somthing that a certain Searchlight magazine appears to do today. Lots of gullable folk pour cash into its coffers in the belief that it espouses progressive politics. Its editor, Gerry Gable lives in the Essex stockbroker belt and owns two cars - a socialist living the dolce Vita, what?

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