Thursday 9 April 2009

Some may call it conspiracy

Iraq used to be one of Britain's best customers. we had a balance of payments surplus of £47,000,000 with that nation. This trade surplus kept the wheels of industry turning in our British factories, and helped to make Britain prosperous. trade with Iraq gave us regular employment & wages to the British working folk, and was a nice little earner to those firms engaged in it. we are a trading nation, and so need to keep the goodwill of our customers. Now we have cast it all away to make war on Iraq at the behest of the USA, which even Tam Dalyall acknowledged was influenced by a zionist cabal in Washington DC. Organised jewry, of cource wailed away about "anti-semitism", there was even talk of Dayall been prosocuted under the vicious anti-British race laws. Yet Dayall's comments were totally legitimate as demonstrated by Richard clark.
Richard Clarke was a highly placed security officer in the USA & wrote a book in which he revealed Paul Wolfowitz used his influence with President Bush to convince the US Govt. of the theory that the terrorists who caused the appauling 9/11 tragedy could not have done so without sate aid. According to Wolfowitz, Iraq was that state. So America sent an army to invade Iraq, which just happens to be an enemy of Israel & zionist imperialism. Wolfowitz was named "man of the year" in an Israeli news magazine, all because he used his influence on President Bush to get a massive international assault force into the Middle-East to fight Israel's enemies. Wolfowitz was then made a big shot in the World Bank. Surprise surprise!! As for Richard Clarke, he seems to have lost his US Govt. security job, because he now works for some private security organisation. Strange how critics of zionist imperialism seem to lose their jobs soon after they have listed the lid on "the hidden hand".
What, you don't suppose that vengeful zionists could be beavering away behind the scenes to do down their honest critics, do you?
A.L. Lilenthal suggests such in his book "The zionist connection". Paul Wolfowitz is of cource jewish American & roots away for Eretz-Israel & zionism. I say that if the jews & Israel want to fight Muslims let them go ahead, but don't drag us into their wars. It is time we broke the chains of guilt that the jews have shackled on to our consciousness with their wails about the holocaust, and how it makes us all their debtors. That Britain & Europe must repay that debt with the lives & limbs of our young servicemen & women. Plus our national treasure is expended on war materials to fight the enemies of Israel.
We British have suffered enough pain & sorrow in wars to help the jews. Look at the Wars of imperialism in the 19th Century which opened up the world for jewish financial investment. This includes the Boer War which gave jewish banks and financiers control of South Africas' gold, diamonds & mineral deposits. I realise of cource that it was the big monied jews who profited out of these conflicts, but small jews seem to take pride in the way their wealthier co-religionists enrich themselves. They frequently sneer that we are "goyim" are full of envy of the way that jews enrich themselves at our expence and that we are guilty of anti-semitism.
World War 1 propped up jewish economic and political power in Russia & Europe. What did the British get? A massive death toll and hundreds of thousands of greviously wounded soldiers.
Then in the aftermath we made enemies across the muslim world by opening up Paslestine as a homeland for jews across the world. When the Palestinians began to fight back to keep their country, British troops beat down the Arab rebellion in the mid-1930's. This resulted in the Palestinians being kicked out of their country to make room for the incoming zionist settlers. Then we fought WW2 to destroy German nationalism & National Socialism which was posing a threat to international financial power in Europe. Then we fought the Suez War in 1956 when we beat Egypt's forces. In America, jewish financiers began a run on the pound to force Britain out of the Middle-East, leaving Israel as the strongest military power in the region. The Falklands war began when a jewish owned scrap metal company sought to recover scrap leaft behind from the whaling days and we know the out come there!
If the zionists want to defend their tiny, aggressive nation in the Middle-East, let them all make their personal "Aliyah" to Israel & join the israeli army & Air Force. El Al runs a regular service to Israel, there they can grow side-curls and beards, they can feast on gefite fish and matzos to their hearts content wnd they can also simmer away with hate for the goyim without annoying us. Right?

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