Monday 13 April 2009

The Great Chinese takeaway

They called it "The great drain robbery" here in Scotland. Some theiving characters went around the streets with a vehicle, stealing cast steel drain covers & selling them to unscrupioulous scrap metal merchants. These dealers broke them up & sold them to China, hose economy is booming, and in need of lots of scrap metal. China is willing to pay premium prices for this scrap.
Another saying they have up here is "The Great Chinese takeaway". They are taking away our very livelihood by buying up the factories that employ us & pay us wages. These factories also produce the goods which make our Nation wealthy. The Chinese simply export the machinery back to China, re-install them in great factory sites in the huge cities they're erecting (they've got some cities with over 1 million population, some have 4-6 million). The cheap, non-union labour enables China's Communist govt. to produce at very low cost. China exports these goods to our Nation to sell in our markets, using the machines they bought in Britain, too! Amazing eh!
Thus, a giant container ship sailed out of China for the container base at Felixstowe. It was sneaked out with 3000 by 20 feet containers loaded up with these cheap goods produced by China's cheap scab labour force. These goods were sold by the financier class here in Britain to make lots of cash for themselves out of the deal; but what about us British workers? "Searchlight" magazine has a slogan, "A worker is a worker"; but in this case we see Chinese workers doing us British workers out of our livelihood with their cheap, scab labour.
"Searchlight's" scribblers are okay, of cource I mean, Gerry Gable lives in a plushy home in the Essex stockbroker belt. According to "New Target", this is reckoned to be worth £500,000 and Gable has two cars like John Prescott, the Labour Party's (former) Cabinet Minister. Real bourjous types now days, eh? I ask, what have British workers got? Long-term unemployment & poverty, and we don't like it one bit, especially when our Governers continue to swamp our National terrority with aliens from abroad to beat down our wage rates, and drive us out of jobs.
"Searchlight" calls the new Nationalist union "Solidarity", a scab union; but scabs work for lower wages than other workers. It is'nt "Solidarity" who is advocating a low wage policy to beat down our pay rates here in Britain. Its "Searchlight's" left-swing comrades in China who are doing that act of scabbing. They want to see our National territory samped with cheap labour from abroad, because "A worker is a worker" in their failed, crackpot, internationalist-globalist world-view.
Well I've got news for them - an accquaintance of mine down in London got the sack from his job, along with 4 of his work-mates, (all workers, mark you). His former employer took on 5 Kosovans at £50 per week less wages. look at just some of the factories which have closed down in Britain, and moved to cheap, scab labour economies in Asia. Ravenscraig steelworks shut down in Motherwell & its machinery was sold to China's Communist govt. Chinese workers came to Scotland & stripped the factory down. They packed the machinery into containers and transported it lock, stock and barrel to China. There it was re-assembled in a giant Chinese factory to make cheap steel for sale to the west. Goodyear tyres was situated in Drumchapel on the western periphery of Glasgow. It closed down & moved to China. You see, the left-wing trade unionists had been causing constant industrial strife with strikes. The company warned the workforce that they would close down; but the left-wing dopes sais they are bluffing. In China there are no left-wingers to stir up any industrial strife, if you strike under a Communist govt. they call it counter-revolutionary. We know what the Communist Chinese Red army did to strikers protesting in Tianammen Square in Peking. They shot them down and even ran them over with tanks. Masses were arrested and beaten up, then sent to the Communist gulags, as cheaper than cheap labour; but thats what Communists always do to us when they get power over us. Their history is steeped in the blood of millions of workers, yet these phoneys tell us "a worker is a worker".
Caterpillar tractors on the eastern periphery of Glasgow closed down & moved to China. Needless to say the workforce in these factories went into long term unemployment and poverty as a consequence of "The Great Chinese takeaway" policy line. I known about it, I was unemployed for 20 years, but the geeks in the middle-class fat-cats in the trade unions are okay. They are not unemployed & poverty-stricken for years. Yet these evil, callous men shreif their hatespeak at us. Why? Because we protest at our poverty, and reject their failed internationalist-globalist system which has brought us down. We want our industries protected so as to ensure our jobs & livelihood. We think such a situation can only be brought about by Nationalism. They realise that such an economic system would destroy their power over us & their power to organise us means more to them than our joblessness and poverty.
China is so vast by comparison with Britain that it poses a distinct threat to our livelihoods. What is more, the Chinese seem to be justifying their scabbing tactics against us by wailing away about the 0pium wars of 150 years ago. Yet it as'nt us White workers who sent 0pium out to China, so why should they want revenge on us? In my opinion, its evil anti-white racism we are seeing rising up in China, S.E. asia , India, etc. But in the jaundiced vision of the Left, only whites can be racist. Talk about self-hate? Anyway, no Brits stuffed 0pium up the noses of the Chinese people. they paid for it, and smoked it freely in their 0pium dens. Does that give them the right to rave on about how us Brits owe them for the 0pium wars, and to gloat over our impoverishment as a just revenge on us? The guilt-ridden self-hating middle class left may say so; but we workers don't!
Down in Northampton & Leicester, Clark's footwear fim closed down, and re-opened in Vietnam. In Britain, workers were paid about £300 per week, with overtime & bonuses. The Communist govt. of vietnam pay their workers £30 per week. The left-wing union, NALGO-UNISON, says nothing. UNISON's middle-class, fat-cat lefties gave "Searchlight" some £20,000 as a donation, out of their members' funds. Why? It was to run a campaign of hate against us British workers who were protesting about our unemployment & poverty. Any workers who support the left are not wise. The left are not the friend of the British unemployed working man. They have betrayed us in the cause of in the cause of internationalism-globalism - "a worker is a worker" they shout.

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