Monday 11 May 2009

The IRA, then, now & in the future

Above - IRA Scum on British Streets.
Those IRA supporters marching through Glasgow & other British cities, disgust me. They eat British bread but root for the killers of British people.
The Orange Order wanted to march in Dublin, the IRA came out in force shouting "I-I-IRA". They tossed stones at the Garda & put windows in in 0'connel street. The 0range march was banned. Yet the cops protect IRA marches here in Glasgow, and "The Digger" calls those who protest about it "sectarian", which is a name of reproach from lefties.
Why are they supporting the IRA in Glasgow? Is not the war over? Or is it just a con job to allow the IRA to regroup. We've seen the Continuity & Real IRA engaging in acts of terrorism in Ulster.
I think it would be a good idea to dig a wide canal right through Ulster, beginning at the "Point", they could take it to the Alantic on the West coast & all the Irish could then be deported to their precious Republic that they love so much, they vote with their feet against it. Ireland would then be surrounded by water.
With a Causeway linking Ulster to the south of Scotland (the Ulster Causeway & the Ulster canal). It would devolop trade & make Ulster completely a part of Britain. They've done big civil engineering jobs on a comparable scale, the Suez Canal, the Panama canal, the Corinta canal, plus lots more. With modern digging machines, it would'nt take very long.
If they don't do somthing like this, the IRA intend clearing out the prods and settling them all over Ireland, I've read that in their literature. Once they get them seperated, they'll massacre them, out of the public eye of cource. They're evil bigots.
Gerry Adams was asked by some "Stickies" (Official/Marxist IRA) in jail, what did he plan to do. He said he was prepared to wade up to his knees in protestant blood to get to a United Ireland. Notice the empathis with him, "protestant blood". Its a religious war with him.
Ian Paisley says theres an empty seat in Brussels that will be occupied by the Pope one day. We know Papal Power is increasing every year. Personally as a working-class man, I don't see what the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury have to say to us. Both live in palaces, the Vatican & Lambeth. In fact the Pope is King in the Vatican.

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