Saturday 16 May 2009

Open letter to the Christian Press

I had hoped someone, perhaps more qualified than myself would have sprung to the defence of John Calvin, after Dr. George Ella's criticism of him in the "British Church Newsletter", and "English Churchman". To put Calvin into a sort of second division amongst the reformers, to suggest he was somehow deficient compared to others, seems very wrong to me.
Calvin was a Christian Pastor-Teacher who served his master faithfully for years, even at the risk of his own life. By nature he was a quite & scholarly man, and would have preffered to sit in a library & write; but God's providence placed him in the position of being one of the leading lights of Protestantism, with an influence throughout Europe. He could read, write & speak his native French, Latin, Greek & Hebrew.
According to Dr. Wylie's "History of Protestantism" (a must read for all who would learn of our history & our faith), Calvin taught in both the School, and the Achedemy in Geneva. All this was on top of his pastoral duties, which were themselves very weighty.
Despite this heavy workload, Calvin still managed to write over 90 works on the Bible. The men of his day praised his industry, and in the 19th Century, profited out of his works. He wrote fine pastoral letters to the leaders of Christiandom, respectful & courtious, but Biblically based.
All the Reformers of his era respected him as a good brother in Christ, and saw in him an instrument raised up by God's providence to teach the Church the doctrines of the faith. Wylie's "History" is full of praise for Calvin & so is J.H. Merle' - D'Aubigne's. Both historians quote many men who expressed their approbation of God's servant. Dr. Wylie even quotes a Pope & other catholic dignitaries who said John Calvin could not be bought with offers of cash. What a fine testimony to leave behind.
It seems the men of the late 20th & early 21st centuries are adopting hyper-critical attitudes toward Calvin & Luther (see Jude 3 & 4 in this connection). Nowdays the Protestant Reformers are being subjected to very severe criticism. In fact, they are being rubbished. The criticisms are based on a sort of attitude of grovel, in which the demand is being made that we protestants must adopt an oh-so-humble demeanor before our anti-Protestant critics. If we don't it will be said we lack "l-o-v-e". This attitude is epitomised in the Archbisop of Canterbury bowing down to kiss the Pope's ring. Catholic bishops grinned with delight at the abysmal spectacle of the leader of a purportedly national Protestant church humbling himself before a blatent idoliter & anti-Christian heretic like the Pope of Rome. Our critics in their ignorance & self-rightiousness are trying to impose upon us a mantle of guilt that they have woven on their looms. This guilt conditioning can be seen in articles published in the Evangelical Press. The organisers of the "Christian Witness to Israel", John Ross & Mike Moore denounced Calvin & Luther as "anti-semites" (a name of infamy in the contempoary world, as a result of incessant jewish guilt & pity propaganda poured out of the mass-media, which is largely under jewish control). (Oh yes, it is, read Nick Griffin's essay, "The Mindbenders" for proof).
Despite the Editors of the Evangelical Press knowing that, to be called an "anti-semite" is to be given a name of infamy, they made no attempt to publish any defence of our brethern. Look at Raul Hilberg's standard work on the "holocaust". He writes "The missionaries of Christianity had said in effect: you have no right to live among us as jews. The secular rulers who followed proclaimed: you have no right to live among us. The German Nazis decreed: you have no right to live."
Instead of Evangelicals like Ross & Moore criticising this opinion of Dr. Hilberg against the Church of Christ, they side with the jewish critic by saying it is Christian attitudes that hold jews back from turning to Christ, and the poor-poor jews are blameless. Paul's inspired critique of the jews in 1 Thessolonians 2:14-16 should be ignored, it would seem. Thats what the Evangelicals now seem to be saying. I find this attitude on the part of the Evangelicals shocking & reprehensible. It is also theologically unsound. (In this connection read John 3). I ask, is this an indication that the Evangelicals are commencing to depart from the true faith of a Protestant? A faith that was proclaimed faithfully by both Luther & Calvin.
I have read some shocking criticisms directed at the Ulster Protestants in the Evangelical Press. The criticisms are from men, who are well known as opinion makers in the ranks of Evangelicism. The positively sneered at Ulster's Protestants & called them to "l-o-v-e" their Catholic neighbours who were murdering them with bombs, bullets & batterings. I live in Belfast for some years, and saw examples of men being battered in the most literal sense, black and blue. One man's face & arms were bruised bone deep. I've never seen such awful bruising.
If the Evangelical critics had gone up the Falls Road district, and called the Catholics to "l-o-v-e" their Protestant neighbours, they would have been battered into the hospital (or even the morgue) with multiple fractures & deep contusions of their face & body. My brother went up to preach Christ & him crucified off the Falls Rd. He was warned by the hate-filled catholic, "if you don't go away, I'll kill you". Our Evangelical critics know how terrible dangerious it could be to proclaim their "l-o-v-e" doctrine in catholic areas of Ulster, so they reserve them for voicing amongst the Protestants.
On the issue of denouncing Luther & Calvin as "anti-semites", it is ridiculous, even dishonerable to slight our brethern for criticising jews. If everyone who offers criticism of jews is to be traduced as an anti-semite, would that include the Lord Himself? No more fierce critic of jews exists than Jehovah-Elohim. His denuniciations of them for their sins in Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel are aesome. Perhaps because they are our sins as well?
His dear son, Jehovah-Jesus, told at least some jews: "ye are of your father the Devil, and the works of your father ye do". (see John 8:44-45). Yet Evangelicals like John Ross & Mike Moore insist the jews are God's Chosen People. Will they be moved to say Jesus was an anti-semite for saying what John 8 tells us He said? Shall we denounce the Apostles John & Paul for their criticism of jews in their writings? Must we, to please jews & win them to Chist, accuse John & Paul of being "anti-semites"?
Is it anti-semitism to say there were bad jews like Marx, Lenin, Trotski, Beria, etc. in the International communist movement, or equally bad jews like Mayer Lansky, Longy Zwillman and Dutch Schutz, aka Arthur Flegenheimer, etc. in the US Mafia? The organisation called "Murder Inc." was run by jews in America. For a price you could have an enemy bumped off by callous hitmen.
Let us not forget either, the 300 jewish owned slave ships that sailed out of Newport, Rhode Island off the coast of America, to engage in the cruel & murderous African slave trade across the middle passage. So to enrich their jewish owners, skippers & mostly jewish crews. To give you some idea of the of the vile traffic in human flesh, the slaves were chained in rows like sardines in a can. When they needed to excreate or urinate, their captors did not push down to loosen their chains. So the slaves were forced to relieve themselves where they lay. This meant pools of urine & exrement washed about amongst the chained slaves, as the ships pitched & pailed in the waters of the Alantic. Sailors said you could smell a slave ship a mile off. Sharks followed slavers for weeks on end, to feast off the bodies of slaves who died of disease in such appauling conditions.
When jewish producers in jewish controlled Hollywood, USA turned out movies like "Roots", "Amstad", etc., they did not inform the cinema goers of the massive part played by jews in the slave trade. It is manifest to every discerning Christian that these foul productions are a race & religious war against White Christians. When will the editors in the Christian press denounce & expose this jewish hate propaganda against us? To sit quiet in the face of hate, to let the Christians be reviled without any reply, is surely a betrayal of Christ & his church. "Even-jelly-cals" should be deeply ashamed in my opinion.
While jews should be applauded for their accomplishments, they should not be beyond honest criticism for their faults, out of fear of beinf denounced as an anti-semite, or being punished by God for telling the truth about jews. In my opinion, the organisation, Christian witness to Israel, are a bunch of wimps who grovel with guilt before arrogant, Anti-Christian jews. Some of whom went to plush homes they have in North London. . I used to see these homes as I drove past in the cabin of a heavy lorry. What a luxury! The Christian Witness to Israel "Even-jelly-cals" were drenched with water from an upstairs window by a jewish bigot. Can you imagine if any Christian were to cast a bowl of water over a jew? It would be front page headlines & the Christian would be sent to jail under the anti-Christian, anti-White race laws. But when jews do it to us, we must all grin & turn the other cheek. I mean criticise a poor-poor jew after the holocaust? As if they had not suffered enough! Besides the Lord might punish us. This is the mind-set that prevails among the "Even-jelly-cals". Its disgusting! Its superstition!
One prominant jewish writer did not hesitate to denounce Jesus for his words in John 8:44-45. This jewish critic said that Jesus demonised the jews, and his words exerted an influence on Martin Luther, who write his tract "The jews & their lives". This is purported to have influenced Adolf Hitler & great masses of Germans, by creating a culture of anti-semitism. This ultimately sparked of the "holocaust" in which, it is claimed, that some six million jews were slaughtered with barbarous hate. So we are expected to assent that from Jesus to Luther, Hitler, and "the holocaust" is a straight line. Where is the Christian who will assent to such an intrepretion of his story? Well, could they be found in the ranks of the judaising Evangelicals, I wonder?
I don't accept that Luther had such an influence for a start, Hitler was a catholic & catholic leaders placed a ban on Luther's works. If my memory serves me right, Luther's writings were placed on the catholic index of banned books, and if catholics red them they were putting their eternal salvation at risk, and so must confess to their priest to gain absolution for this great sin. On top of that I've read half-a-dozen or so lives of Adolf Hitler, plus numerious essays. None of them said he was an anti-semite because of his reading Luther or Calvin. Hitler's opposition to jews sprang out of their support for communism & their strident denunciation of other peoples 'nationalism' (But not zionism? That is a special variety of nationalism, to criticise, which leaves the critic under the accursation of being an anti-semite!)
In recent years jews have begun to lobby the catholic authorities & their ecumenical fellow-travellers to get "The New Testament" altered. In those places where perfectly legitimate criticism of jews, they want deleted, why? Well they say the words stir up hatred of jews. What they are demanding is, special consideration for jews. They must be beyond criticism. They can revile us Christians in their "Holy Talmud". I quote "extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice. the best of the gentiles should be killed. All non-jewish women are whores". "Even-jelly-cals" say we must not protest. We must turn the other cheek & show jews "l-o-v-e". In that way we will win them to Christ.
Even the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has been persuaded to put a Bill before parlament soon. This will make it a criminal offence to spread what Mr. Blunkett calls "hate" via religion. Will "The Talmud" be banned then? Don't hold you breath. You can settle it in your mind right now. Blunkett's Bill worded in a way that it will militate against the doctrines of The Church of Christ. Who are Blunkett's advisors?
Will the reading of John 8:44-45, plus 1 Thessolonians 2:14-16 be called "hate speak", and therefore a breach of the new law? Will it lead to Christian pastors in our land being arrested, and put on some charge into the Dock under socialist "anti-hate" laws? Will they even be gaoled for it? Will it become an offence to carry a copy of the authorised version of the Bible, because it contains words now deemed to be "hate-speak"? (He criticised jews & gays, imagine! Gaol the awful Christian bigot! Live & let live, thats my policy). events in Britain & Europe at large seem to be moving towards such a state of repression. Our Christian liberties are being stolen from us. Is this a commencement of a wave of persecution against the Churches of Christ in Britain & Europe at large? And for all proclaiming the God-given doctrines in the old, much despised Bible? Are our Anti-christian governors readying themselves to put thousands of faithful Christians into gaol, so as to establish their policy of social engineering, and erect their system of socialism, with its hatred of the doctrines of Jesus Christ? It looks to me that they have taken the first few tentative steps along that road.
Never forget that the socialists in the USSR were guilty of slaughtering great numbers of confessing Christians during their reign of terror. In his "Gulag" vol. 2. Solzhenitzsyn quotes a statician called Kuganov. He said some 66,000,000 folk were murdered by the communists, mostly confessing Christians. Why were there no "Nurenberg" trials of their murderers? Why is the media silent in the face of these appauling atrocity figures? Are Christian lives less valuable than jewish lives? The silence about their deaths suggest so.
In such a situation it does not seem a good or a wise action on the part of Protestants to direct withering criticisms at Luther & Calvin in the Protestant media. When the doctrines of faith are under such attack as we see now, surely it is the duty of Confessing Christians to stand up for the faith, and the reputation of those who defend it, either in the historical past, or in the contemporary world. I ask, for example, will certain folk demand Luther & Calvin's works be banned because Mike Moore & John Ross said they are "anti-semites"?
Today it is increasingly asserted that it is somehow shameful to be white & Christian. We are being programmed like Pavlov's dogs or Condon's Manchurian candidate to feel oh-so-terribly guilty over our historical past. Non-whites & non-Christians have even said we owe them for the historical past, and should cough up compensation. The late Bernie Grant MP, who was once a member of the aggressive Trotskyite Socialist Labour League, which later became the Worker's Revolutionary Party (Vanessa's lot) demanded the British should give £40,000 to every decendant of black slaves in the West Indies. If you ask where the billions in compensation would come from, the reply would be to borrow it from the bankers. The British taxpayers would borrow it from the bankers. The British taxpayers would pay it all back, plus the interest, but if suffering is to be compensated, what about the millions of British working class folk who suffered dire poverty in foul, vermin infested slums? What about the sacrifice of life & limb in defence of Britain?
I honestly don't expect the Evengelical press to give such a letter space in their columns, and this is why your respectable middle class evengelicals get few working folk in their churches. They prefer the warmth of a Pentecostal church to "cauld kirks" of the Evengelicals.
I am sir, a believer in Jehovah-Jesus.

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