Friday 15 May 2009

Zionism - the real Anti-Semitism?

"The Herald" is a newspaper published in Glasgow. recently it reported that organised jewry in France protested, surprise, surprise! Jews protesting? Eh? They do love organising a wail-in, don't they. They know a good wail-in can create masses of political capital for jews and their asggressive little state centre, "Eretz Israel" in the Middle East. On top of that it helps to milk the placid jewish cow, and creates lots of fat-saleried white-collar jobs as wail-in organisers, I mean look at the holocaust.
The jews in France are protesting at the Vatican, you see moves are afoot to make Pius XII (the wartime pope) into a saint. The jews say his failure to protest about the holocaust is hardly the behaviour expected of a saint. Interestingly I once read of a Vatican Official who lived below the pope's quarters. He said Pius XII roared with fear of death, pleading with doctors to save him, as he lay on his death bed. Catholic officials walked around with trembling limbs & white faces. If the pope was afraid to die, how would they face the reaper when he was swinging his sythe? The official incidently quit the cathoclic church & joined the church of Christ, an American organisation.
Getting books on the holocaust is really difficult, if these books are critical of holocaustmania with its six million dead jews tale. You just can't walk into bookshops & pick works by Robert Farisson, or Ernst Zundel off the shelves. If any such books were given an open display, the left-wing book burners in the Socialist Workers Party (which is stacked out with jews) would hold a demo outside the shop.
They did it with a shop in Suchiehall street, which was selling books by David Irving. I've read a number of Irving's books, they are really well-written & so very informative; but just because he criticises the fallicious nature of the present-day interpretation of the WWII, the left-wing book burners hate his guts. The editor in "The Herald" agreed with the SWP's protest. But it was right out of Orwell's 1984, where all information contrary to the party line is consigned to "the memory hole", with its intensely hot flame. The party line, of cource is the holocaust & the evil Nazi gassers tale.
My reading of the Vatican's attitude toward the jews in WWII suggest that the pope did more for the jews than the zionists ever did. I've read he told catholic monasteries and convents throughout Europe to take jews as refugees. He also took lots of jews into hids Palatial residence in Castel Candolfo, more jews were given Vatican passports which allowed them to go into other lands without any problems.
Note that I'm not a Roman Catholic seeking to white-wash the pope. I'm actully a reformed protestant in my doctrinal belief, and to us Calvinists the pope is a heritic; but historical truth must be given a hearing, regardless of how many holocaust maniacs are offended by it. So here goes with the truth from my historical researches.
In New York a jewish lawyer named Morris Ernst sought to gain political asylum in the USA for his fellow jews, who were inside Nazi occupied Europe. He used his friendship with Presisent Roosevelt (who was of jewish descent) to get them into America. You can read about this in "The Zionist Connection" by Al Lilienthal, who was the editor of the jewish newsletter in the USA.
Roosevelt sent Ernst to Britain as his personal representitive. Britain was at war; but Prime Minister Churchill took time off his boozing sessions to see Ernst. Churchill agred to take in jewish refugees & give them political asylum in Britain & our world-wide Empire. This should not surprise us, Churchill was of jewish orgin. When Ernst went back to NY leading jews told him, "you're a traitor to zionism". It was alright for them, they lived in the comfort and safety of America.
You see the zionists wanted Europe's jews to move en masse into Palestine, where zionism sought to erect its state structure after the war. Thus any moves to give jews political asylum in any other land bar Palestine, was opposed by the zionist zealots sitting in leather armchairs in NY, etc. In lots of cases the opposition of the zionists was based on the belief that a vast influx of zionist jews with their beard, dark garb, round hats would present problems for US jews. They were mostly assimiliated into western society. In fact they were frequently irreligious, even athiests, who despised orthodox jews, and saw them as backward and reactionary. Talk about anti-semitism.
Sweden offered to take in 60,000 jewish refugees. The Chief Rabbi in Sweeden was a zionist & objected. He said so many jews flooding in would raise anti-semitism among the tolerant Swedish people. In Denmark some concerned folk took jews across to Sweden at night, the Swedes gave them political sylum, which more that the hard hearted US zionists were prepared to do.
Britain actully brought a bill before parlament. It called for jews to be to be given asylum in Britain & our former world-wide Empire. You can read a letter in "The Times" of London on the anniversary of D-Day, it was written by a jewish Rabbi appointed Chief Organiser of the rescue committee. He said "Britain was at her best" in offering asylum to jews. It was the zionists who said "why not Palestine?"
The answer is obvious. If millions of jews were being persecuted in Nazi occupied Europe, surely they would be pushed into any land that would offer them asylum. To send them to Palestine to be maintained in camps by UK & US taxpayers, could have stirred up terrorists in the Arab nations to fight them with the Nazis. They could've blown up oil refineries. This would have cut Britain off from Middle East oil refineries, and you can't fight a war with no oil. Thus Britain would have been defeated. How would that help the jews?
The jews should have been taken to any land that would give them succour. After the war the refugee problem could have been sorted out. But the zionists reasoned that the jews would stay in the lands that gave them asylum. They would not move to Israel, the zionist state structure they planned to set up after the war. So these zionist zealots opposed giving jews asylum anywhere other than in Palestine.
This means that jews who ended up in Nazi concentration camps did so largely as a consequence of zionist intrangience. The zionists used their political clout (which was immence) to lock them up inside Nazi occupied Europe. Thus, if six million jews were slaughtered lilke the zionist propaganda incessantly tells us in movies, TV, books, newspaper articles, then the zionists share the guilt of their deaths. The Lord God said to Cain, after he murdered Abel, "The voice of they brother's blood cries unto me from the ground". The voice of dead jews blood in WWII cries out against the zionists. Britain, Sweden & America were ready to give jews asylum. The zionists hindered their rescue attempts.
Lots of jews went into the Soviet Union. We read of train loads of Red Army troops coming into Eastern Europe, and returning crammed full of jewish refugees. I suspect we'll never know how many jews went into the USSR in these rescue trains. In fact any attempt to research their numbers would be reviled as anti-semetic attempts to whitewash Hitler & the Nazis. It is a sneaky form of holocaust denial, and one jewish professor in England thinks that deniers of the holohoax should be gaoled. Is'nt it appauling, the bigotry of the holocaustmaniacs?
It seems to me that the worst anti-semites were the zionists. Not only did they despise religious jews, they also blew up shiploads of jewish refugees in the Mediterranian. Zionists were no friends of the jews. I think jews are suckers to trust any zionist after the way they betrayed jews in WWII.
In my opinion, the zionists want jewish capital, jewish labour & jewish cannon-fodder into Eretz Israel, the gigantic ghetto the zionists are building behind those high walls, their barbed wire fences, their mine fields. The zionists want their very own jewish population to tax to the bone. This will enable the zionist leaders to live La Dolce Vita. Jews should wake up to the cunning ploy of the zionists. But they've been programmed twith guilt to such an extent, they side with their zionist betrayers against non-jews who try to warn them. They'll even call me an "anti-semite" for writing such material. Gerry Gable did in his evil hatesheet "Searchlight".
Right now the zionists peddle guilt to try to make jews living in the West make their personal aliyah to Israel. But the zionists won't be satisfied with guilt politics. Eventully they'll start terroristic activities to stir up fear of anti-semitism. They did it in Arab lands, and blew up synagogues & other places frequented by jews. I heard an Israeli lecture on those days in the Strathclyde Union. His name was Akiva Aur (I think that was the spelling). He was brought to the Union by Dr. george mitchell who was drowned in very suspicious circumstances. Yet Dr. Mitchell could swim like a seal. I'm persuaded that future days will lend support to my analyis. Just wait & see.

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