Thursday 14 May 2009

The secret state

I read your material on men who worked as agents for the British State, and were betrayed by them. I had a similar experience, only I was not a foreigner; but a full-blooded, unhyphenated Brit. I was born in this land, and after a fashion, given my education in its schools. I served in the armed forces on a regular army engagement.
My father & six of his sons served in the armed forces of the British Crown in various theatres of War. Three of them died as a consequence of military service. We were a family of patriots, despite our lowly, working class orgins. . I recall reading an article in "The Times" of London. It was on young upper middle-class type who was killed in action in the RAF. The "Times" writer said he displayed patriotism, somthing that seems to have died in contemporary Britain.
I wrote in to contrast the hero of "The Times" with my own family. Where he was a wealthy, upper-class type with an Oxford education, and had somthing to fight for, we lived in the slums of Glasgow. Our educational attainments had just about taught us to read and write and count. Yet we were no less patriotic than him. The editor did not even deign to reply to me.
I was the least educated among my family, having left school at the age of 11. Yet I enlisted in the army as soon as I was old enough to do so. I served the Crown loyally in Britain, the Middle East, far East & in Ulster.
I got information that some left-wingers intended starting up a terrorist campaign like the IRA. As a soldier I had been programmed to take problems to higher authority & this is what I did. I phoned the police, who put me in touch with Special branch, and later on, MI5. They asked me to help them, and I agreed (what a sucker I was).
I told the officers of State that the terrorists wanted to get their comrades our of gaol. They planned to do it in two way, 1) by smuggling arms into the gaol, 2) by kidnapping a couple of high officers of State, and holding them to ransom for the release of their comrades.
When these comrades had been released from the gaols, and put on a plane for Libya, with a sum of cash, the terrorists intended murdering the two officers of State. They did not want them to be able to identify them later on.
The men in gaol had contacts with the PLO. One actully knew Yasser Arafat on a personal basis. Thus, they would have joined the ranks of the PLO, which was engaged in acts of terrorism. White men would have been an important edition to the PLO, and could get to places denied to non-whites (eg., British army camps, etc.).
I passed all this information (intelligence if you like) to officers of state. I also told them that the terrorists had robbed banks to get funds to pay into their war chest. When I saw these officers of State adopted a sort of could'nt care less attitude to the information I had got, at considerable risk to myself, I reasoned that they must have someone in the ranks of the terrorists feeding them more vital information. I even speculated that the terrorists were actully being run by said officers of state, with some devious end in view. Remember Combat 18 was being run by British Intelligence, and it is asserted that some of the Loyalist gun-gangs were used by British Intelligence.
One officer of State, himself an ex-regular army man, told me (joking like) that they would let the IRA know about me. It was intended to menace & intimidate me; but I only felf contempt for the Officer & his mates. I stopped helping them. If they could not trust me, how could I trust them?
As a consequence of helping these officers of the British State, my name ent on to a blacklist, and I could not get a job in my trade. The foul scum in the Special Branch & MI5 would not help me to get a job. as a consequence I went into 20 years of unemployment & poverty. My marriage broke up, and I have not seen my family gfor years. In fact, I don't even know where they live. It caused me much sorrow of heart. One might imagine I had been the terrorist, rather than the loyal British patriot.
I actully ended up homeless, living on a small army pension. I finally went to my brother's home in Ulster (ex-Royal Navy, WW2 years). There I took up self-employment; but Ulster was a terribly dangerous place for me to live. The IRA/INLA/IPLO would have shot me dead without a second thought, just in case, you know.
Whilst engaged in my work I heard about a plan to shoot down a helicopter that flew over West Belfast. as an ex-British soldier I felt I could not ldet the soldiers in the chopper be murdered. Thus, I told an army patrol hat I knew. They called an RUC man, and I made a statement to him. The security forces raided a couple of houses in West Belfast, and got hold of two machine guns. One was of Russian make, and the other a bren gun altered to fire 7.62mm ammunition. The last had been stolen from an army post by an Irish mob. The soldiers were afrais to shoot at them in case they were arrested for shooting the poor, poor Irishmen struggling for national self-determination.
Both these weapons had the capicity to shoot down the British army helecopter. The idea was light up a bundle of tyres. they burn fiecrely, and emit a thick black smoke. The chopper would fly over to see what was going on, and the IRA would open up with both guns on rapid fire. They would have killed the crew, and the chopper would have been shot down. The irish nationalists would have rejoiced over the slaughter, and the morale of the Broitish troops, already very low, would have fallen even further.
I got a life up the M6 with a serving soldier. He was a junior NCO, and told me he was in the same unit as the two British corprals murdered on TV. He had actully seen the murder of his mates from a control van with TV's inside. The whole grisly spectacle was actully viewed by senior army & RUC officers. They had 400 men with arms just a few hundred yards away; but they would not order them in to rescue the two British corprals. They were afraid a riot would break out and would provide material to the Irish-American TV geeks. So they sat & watched the two loyal NCO's being brutally murdered. Should we British give our loyalty to such callous men? Not in my view!
The Corpral who gave me a lift told me the morale of the troops was very low. No matter what they did the mass media rubbished them. He said he had been in the army 9 years, and was in line for promotion to sargeant's rank; but was going to quit. The government never made any attempt to lend the troops support. They seemed to grovel with guilt over their involvement in Ulster, which is after all part of the British Isles by a treaty signed by IRA leaders in the aftermath of the Irish rebellion. we can see what the Lib/Lab/Con's thought of the whole affair. Alan Clark, the former Tory MP said we should pull out & leave the Ulstermen to fight it out with the Irish Republic themselves. Of cource, this is not what the Ulstermen did with Britain in two world wars. They sacrificed life & limb in defence of Britain; but when our Officers of State have no more use for us, they cast us aside like dirty sanitary towels.
We even saw the spectacle of Arthur Scargill & George Galloway going up to the spare ground in Springhill, Glasgow to an IRA/Sinn Fein festival. On the platform Scargill gave Gerry Adams a bear hug to a tremendous cheer from the IRAS supporting mob, while Galloway grinned like the cat that got the cream, as indeed he had. Here was a man being paid by the British to represent their national interest in the London parlament, yet he stoof on the platform with IRA chieftans like Gerry Adams. These same IRA men had shot British soldiers,policemen & civilians dead. This shows us that the left are anti-British traitors. Yet they were treated better than me, the loyal unhypenated Brit. Surely our nation has been captured by an enemy.
We see that my involvement with the officers of the British state, amongst other things, helped save the lives of high officers of state, plus the lives of prison officers. It also helped save the lives of the crew on that helicopter, plus the chopper itself. What was my reward? I ended up ith a broken marriage, jobless, estranged from my own family. I even had to sleep on the streets under an old army poncho & sleeping bag. I tried to get jobs in other cities; but no joy.
I even lost all my personal belongings & my very home itself. This is how officers of state reward loyalty in Britain today. So my advice to anyone who is helping these officers of state is, stop it right now. They will do you down if it suits these scum. I have now taken up study of the conspiracy theory, and embrace it whole heartedly. It explains what was done to me, becase we now have a left-wing government, pushing on us policies that can only harm our nation. Our land is being samped by alien people who hate us & think that we owe them for the historical past.
It is time for the National Revolution to free our land from traitors.

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